Dog Lady/Evening Star

Dog Lady celebrates a young woman’s determination to run a marathon in spite of perplexed neighbors and doubting family.
In Evening Star, Junior and Olivia scan the night sky for comets and shooting stars, dreaming of love and worlds beyond the barrio. Meanwhile, young Lilly deals with the sudden and sobering realization of being pregnant.
Linking old and new, the mystical and earthly, Evening Starand Dog Lady capture the vitality and turbulence of adolescence; they are a poetic look at love and life yet to come.
Produced by: Teatro Vision
Written by: Milcha Sanchez-Scott
Directed by: Wilma Bonet
Cast: Sarita Ocon, Rodrigo Garcia, Marilet Martinez, Haldun Morgan, Letitia Duarte, Luz de la Riva, David Cavallero.

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